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On whose behalf do most lobbyists work? Choose four answers.

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On whose behalf do most lobbyists work? Choose four answers.
political action committees (PACs)
the president
interest groups

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  1. Most lobbyists work on behalf of the following:

    1. Interest groups: These organizations represent specific interests or causes, such as environmental protection, education, or healthcare, and their lobbyists advocate for policies that favor those interests.

    2. Businesses: Many lobbyists represent corporations and trade associations, pushing for legislation and regulations that benefit their industry or corporate interests.

    3. Political action committees (PACs): PACs raise and spend money to influence elections and legislation, and lobbyists for these groups work to advocate for the candidates and issues they support.

    4. Unions: Labor unions employ lobbyists to fight for workers’ rights, labor laws, and other policies that protect their members’ interests.

    These groups employ lobbyists to influence lawmakers and shape public policy in their favor. If you’d like more detailed information or further assistance, please check the extended services page!

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