One of your associates continues to show up late for work. You have mentioned this to him before, and he says it will get better. Conversations are becoming tense and awkward.
Which statement is MOST like how you would respond?
Select a statement
Which statement is LEAST like how you would respond?
Select a statement
When addressing a situation with a colleague who repeatedly shows up late for work, it’s important to be clear and constructive.
MOST like how I would respond:
“I understand that things can come up, but consistent tardiness affects our team’s performance. Can we discuss what might be causing this and find a solution together?”
Explanation: This response shows understanding while addressing the issue openly. It invites collaboration to find a solution, which can help ease the tension.
LEAST like how I would respond:
“You need to figure this out on your own. I’ve talked to you about this before, and I don’t want to hear excuses.”
Explanation: This response is dismissive and lacks a supportive tone. It does not foster a positive dialogue, which can increase tension rather than resolving the issue.
If you need more detailed guidance on handling workplace conflicts, feel free to explore our extended services page.