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Fred has noticed that when Ricky ends a rant, he typically pauses for three or four minutes then resumes ranting. He decided to introduce a self-calming activity during the pause to try to eliminate the repetitive rants or at least extend the amount of time between iterations. To assess effectiveness, he would need to collect ____________________ data

Fred has noticed that when Ricky ends a rant, he typically pauses for three or four minutes then resumes ranting. He decided to introduce a self-calming activity during the pause to try to eliminate the repetitive rants or at least extend the amount of time between iterations. To assess effectiveness, he would need to collect ____________________ data.
A. Frequency
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B. Inter-response Time
C. Latency

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  1. B. Inter-response Time

    Inter-response time (IRT) is the time between the end of one behavior and the start of the next instance of that behavior. This would allow Fred to measure whether the self-calming activity is effectively increasing the time between Ricky’s rants.