One of your best performing associates has seemed distracted recently, resulting in declines in sales. You’ve asked if anything is wrong, and she said everything’s fine.
Which statement is MOST like how you would respond?
Select a statement
Which statement is LEAST like how you would respond?
Select a statement
For the statement that is MOST like how you would respond, you might choose: “I appreciate your honesty and I’m here for you if you need to talk.” This response communicates support and openness, creating a safe space for the associate to share any concerns they might not feel comfortable discussing initially.
For the statement that is LEAST like how you would respond, you might select: “Just focus on your sales targets and everything will be fine.” This response ignores the associate’s feelings and fails to address the underlying issues that might be affecting her performance, making it less supportive.
It’s important to create a supportive environment where associates feel comfortable discussing any struggles they may have. Would you like to explore more about effective communication in the workplace?