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"Amanda lost her job because of downsizing at the beginning of the recession and has been searching for another. While unemployed, she has turned to public assistance to make ends meet and provide for her children.

“Amanda lost her job because of downsizing at the beginning of the recession and has been searching for another. While unemployed, she has turned to public assistance to make ends meet and provide for her children. Her children’s school has been requesting additional financial support from parents because the community’s job losses have resulted in fewer tax dollars to meet the school’s needs. Amanda is beginning to feel that she has few, if any, options for improving her financial situation. What is true about this given scenario?”

Answer Options:

  1. Amanda has been affected personally by problems within the economic, education, and social institutions.
  2. Problems within the education institution have no connection to the economic institution.
  3. Amanda’s family could remedy problems easily if she would work harder to find another job.

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  1. Amanda has been affected personally by problems within the economic, education, and social institutions.